Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sprink Break

Well It has been a long time once again since I have blogged so here are some thing that we have been doing. Most of them are things that we did during spring break, well actually all the pictures on here is what we did on spring break. So I hope that you enjoy the pictures.
I am going to start with these pictures I didn't mean to start with these ones but oh well. So for spring break we were supposed to go camping to the coast but as it got closer we looked at the weather and it wasn't going to be nice at all and also Larry said that he had to work so our camping got canceled but we ended up doing some thing around our area, it was still alot of fun. So I have been into re-doing some of the bedrooms in the house, thanks to Aunna for helping me with colors and bedding and all that stuff I think that things look great. Well for a while now I have been wanting to do Madison room because well she is getting older and she needs a room that looks a little older and something that she can keep for a while. So I found som curtains at peir one and we put those in Madison room and decorated the room around the curtains. I figured that since we weren't doing anything really for spring break that I would paint her room and stuff and also Carson broke her blind in her room so she didn't have anything to make her room darker so I had to get it done. So here are the before pictures of Madison room, now when I took the before pictures I had already started taking things down off of her wall and stuff so it is messier then normal.

I love the new look to her room. The color is a like a butter cream yellow and in her curtains she had that butter cream yellow polka dot and a green color and then a blue color that was very hard to match for her bedding. The yellow sheets I have on there right now are to bright but I haven't found the right color for it yet and I am going to put a vinyl lettering or something above her bed but this is the ending result of the her room.
When I was painting and after we were done i got rid of a bunch of stuff in her room. We got rid of the cradle that was in there and just changed things around and just basically cleaned her room out and it looks so much better.

Picture with the curtains closed. Larry doesn't like the quilt because he thinks that the quilt is to boyish. I think that he is crazy. He just doesn't get it.

Thanks again for helping me Aunna, your ideas are awsome.

So I am just giving you a preview of my bedroom, it isn't alot but just a little because I can't seem to keep my room clean. It seems like I always have clothes on my bed to fold and so I didn't think that people needed to see that. So these are the curtains that we did for mine and larry's room. The picture doesn't do the curtains justice the curtains are great. The color on the wall is like a grayish green color. It looks really good. Thanks to Aunna again because without her ideas I don't think that I would have done any of this.

I took this picture because I painted the master bath as well and I love this vinyl decoration. This is all you get to see of my bathroom as well if you want to see more you will have to come over and see it when it is clean.
This picture I had to take just because Carson is a goof and he was trying to get somthing out of my bath tub and he was all dress for church and I guesse this is what I get for getting him ready earlier then everybody else.
It is a good thing that there wasn't any water in the bathtub or I would have been really upset.

The weekend before easter is when the kids officially started spring break and so that weekend our ward had an easter activity and a easter egg hunt. The had a great time there doing crafts and activities and then of course the easter egg hunt at the end.
Here they are decorating their bags to put their eggs in.

They had a face painting station and then afterward they could color or write their name on the big huge long piece of paper. (doesn't Carson look evil when he smiles, I am trying to get him to not squint his eyes so much but I am not having luck)

Madison is throwing soft stuffy carrots through the easter bunnies mouth

During the week the kids did a couple of things, Larry took the kids to see a movie and then the following day we went to the Science Center, which is always fun.
I love this mirro, I actually have a picture of me doing this same thing but it was way back when Larry and I were dating.

This is what happens when we go into the dinosour part of the Science center. Carson did not like it at all. Can you tell.

Carson wouldn't even get in this picture because there was a dinosour in the back ground.

This was at the end of our afternoon.

That folowing weekend was Easter and we always go to the Snohomish Easter egg hunt because the kids always get eggs there. So we went it was very very cold. We usually do the parade afterward but I don't think the kids would have made it. They separate into squares and it is taped off so it has a section for kids 3 and under then kindergarterners and then 1-2 and well you get the point. The kids had a great time and can't wait for next year.
This was Carson's first year actually participating so he didn't quite get it but he got some eggs.
It was cold but he was happy which was good.
Zach and all of his eggs that he got.

Zach got a ticket in one of his eggs which meant he got to go and get a prize.
Madison getting some eggs.

Madison got a ticket as well.After the egg hunt instead of going to the parade int he cold we went to the Maltby Cafe for some breakfast with some friends of ours and their kids. It was a great day and a great week. Some times it is just nice doing things around your house.


Jen said...

Madison's room looks great. I need to come see it live. I like the quilt. Yes Larry doesn't get it. :) I love how Both Madison and Hannah still have their doll houses. somethings never change.

Beth said...

I love the rooms and the pics.... carson is starting to blend in with the other 2... hes not a baby anymore

Colleen said...

Both the bedrooms look great! You and Aunna did such a great job. I can't wait to see it this will be so fun to hang out. I miss you!!! I agree with Beth, Carson is getting so old. The matching outfits at the science center, SO CUTE!