I forgot to to post these pictures so my actual post is after these ones. Sorry.
I love the songs that he sang when he was singing on this part of the stage. It was great.
Well this last week we were offered some Bon Jovi tickets from our good friends Troy and Tina, so we took the tickets, I was so excited to go I really like Bon Jovi and I have told Larry several times that I would like to go and see him perform and so I was really excited when we got these tickets. So we were planning on going up to my see my sister and grandparents and aunt and well everyone at the compound and since we were going up there I asked my oldest sister if she could take the kids over night on Friday since we were going to come up on Saturday and so she said yes and I met her half way on Friday and made the switch with the kids after school and I left driving from Mt Vernon home all by myself which was kind of nice because I get to listen to actuall music in the car no kids music. So I came home to an empty house which was also weird because I am never alone in the house without kids and I got ready. I was alreay and then Larry got home he changed his clothes and off we went out to dinner and then to the concert.
The concert was AWSOME. We were in section 201 but it was still good. I am jelous that our friends who gave us the tickets had tickets for themselves for the Saturday concert they were sitting close enough to see him sweat. Don't get me wrong I am thankful for the tickets and they weren't bad seats, but I was jelous of everyone in the front row that was close enough to touch him. If he ever comes here again I am getting tickets close enough to touch him, well at least I want to. So anyway back to the concert it was great and I just love the way he gets into his music when he sings and how he sings with passion and also how it isn't all about him he gets his whole band involved and lets them have some of the spot light as well. So it was just great all together. I want all the songs that he sang that night I just have to figure out how to get those songs so if anyone has any suggestions that would be great. I was amazed at how some of the ladies really got into their outfits and went back to the 80's style. Larry and I just sat and took it all in it was great. So here are some pictures of the concert and then the weekend.
Here I am before the concert at home.
I had to take this picture because this is what I enjoy about being at my dad and on the compound there, you get to see eagles all the time and the view is incredible.